RSPCA West Gwynedd Branch is not responsible for the content of linked external internet sites
Copyright © RSPCA West Gwynedd Branch
National Cruelty Hotline
0300 1234 999
West Gwynedd Branch
Reg. Charity 226126
The North Wales RSPCA Mobile Clinic is managed by our neighbours RSPCA Aberconwy Branch and funded by the following RSPCA Branches:
RSPCA Aberconwy
RSPCA Clwyd & Colwyn
RSPCA West Gwynedd
RSPCA Wrexham & Deeside
RSPCA Ynys Môn
It is staffed by qualified vet Jim Mason assisted by a number of experienced volunteers at each site visited. The clinic can provide free advice, but any treatment requires a first-time registration fee and a small consultation charge thereafter. The service is available to pet-owners on means-tested benefits (income support, housing benefit, council tax benefit, pension credit, state pension, income-based ESA, income-based JSA) and proof will be required at the time of registration. The clinic can provide reduced-cost prescription medicines, flea and worm-treatments, microchipping, vaccinations and euthanasia (no disposal). Appointments are on a first-come first-served basis with no appointment necessary.
The clinic does NOT perform any operations and you may be referred to a local vet surgery if necessary and pay their charges.
The timetable for RSPCA West Gwynedd Branch will be as follows from :
10:00 - 11:30
During school term only
Noddfa Community Centre
Cil Peblig
During school holidays
Tŷ Peblig
4 Pen Sgubor